Tag Archives: Credit Suisse

Credit Suisse Attracts A Pesky Activist Who Wants To Make Swiss Cheese

Tidjane Thiam’s tenure at the top of Credit Suisse (CS) has hardly been a picnic. Big lawsuits, struggling business units and a difficult overhaul has left the stock well below where he inherited it despite strong gains this year. The company is only two years into its grand ‘3 year plan’ which entails cutting costs, reducing the size… Read More »

New Research Confirms Spinoff Outperformance

Do spinoffs actually outperform the market? We often receive this question and point to Joel Greenblatt’s work and some other older studies. Luckily there are other people still examining the data for us and new research by Credit Suisse’s quantitative team (highlighted in this Barron’s ‘Focus on Funds’ blog) suggests the answer is still yes. According to CS’s findings, when… Read More »