Tag Archives: DD stock

DuPont Spinoff Shuffling Leaves My Head Spinning- Anything But Simple

Dupont Spinoff. Something we have written about many times over the years. We have a good excuse. We must keep writing about them, because they keep spinning off. DuPont, officially known as DuPont de Nemours, Inc, will likely eventually spin itself into oblivion, like other reapeat spinners Tyco and Sara Lee. Ed Breen The Spinoff King If we… Read More »

More DuPont Spinoffs Coming Up? Citigroup Analyst Thinks So

DuPont(DD) has been no stranger to spinoffs. Following the 2015 spinoff of Chemours(CC), DuPont merged with Dow Chemical in preparation for a three-way split executed earlier this year, leaving DuPont, Dow Chemical(DOW) and Corteva(CTVA) as independent companies. But there is no rest for the weary. Citigroup analyst P.J. Juvekar believes there is more to come. “We expect DuPont… Read More »

Spinoff Odds & Ends: DuPont and Corteva Diverge

Perhaps readers thought that the DowDupont spinoff was beaten to death and were glad to see the final spinoff date pass. Sorry to disappoint, but there’s still more to say on the subject (and likely will be for some time!). In this week’s Odds and Ends we catch up on some of the recent action: 1. DuPont Gets… Read More »

What A Long Strange Trip It’s Been! With Corteva Spinoff Complete, DuPont Is Once Again DuPont

A recent piece in Barron’s notes that “Sanford Bernstein analyst Jonas Oxgaard recently called the DowDuPont merger and 3-way split the “most complicated action in corporate history.”” It goes on to note, regarding the scale of the transactions: Oxgaard’s claim is difficult to verify, but it doesn’t feel far from the truth. Consider, legacy-Dow and legacy-duPont announced their intention to form the largest… Read More »

Barron’s: Corteva Is Nice But Go For FMC Instead

The upcoming spinoff of Corteva Agrisciences on June 1st is the final step of DowDupont’s (DWDP) breakup. You may have heard us talk about it once or twice or…it’s not important. As a reminder though, Corteva will trade under the ticker ‘CTVA’ and DWDP shareholders should receive 1 share of CTVA stock for every 3 DWDP shares owned.… Read More »

Escape- DowDuPont Likes Corteva Coladas- Spinoff And Name Change Set For June 1

It seem like just last month that DowDuPont(DWDP) completed the spinoff of Dow(DOW). As was planned from the moment Dow and DuPont merged just a few short years ago, DowDuPont has one more spinoff to complete before it changes its name back to DuPont(or DuPont de Nemours, Inc., to be precise), and its ticker back to DD. DowDuPont’s… Read More »

Dow Chemical Merger With DuPont Closing August 31,Three-Way Spinoff In Next 18 Months

Over 18 months since announcing plans to merge, Dow Chemical(DOW) and E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co.(DD) will complete their merger on August 31. The new company will be named DowDuPont and will trade under the new DWDP ticker. DowDuPont will be included in both the S&P 100 and S&P 500, as were both predecessor companies. Don’t… Read More »