Tag Archives: Knowles Corporation

Dover To Remain in S&P 500 While Knowles Will Join The S&P 400 Midcap Index

Dover Corporation’s (DOV) spinoff of Knowles is set for tomorrow and S&P recently announced the resulting changes to its indices. Dover will remain in the S&P 500, but post-spin, Knowles will ‘drop’ to the S&P Midcap 400 where it will replace Apollo Investment (AINV). Interestingly, Apollo is getting the boot due to S&P’s new methodology rules excluding business development companies from… Read More »

Dover Corporation Knowles Best- Knowles To Be Spun Off In 2014

No, Beyonce isn’t pregnant, but there is a new Knowles, well…a Knowles Corporation coming next year following Dover Corporation’s (DOV) announced spin off of its communications technologies business. The new company is ‘expected to be an industry leader’ in acoustic components (ex. MEMs microphones, speakers, receivers and transducers) and communication infrastructure components. According to a company presentation (the one dated May 23rd), on… Read More »