Tag Archives: Richard Rosenblatt

Demand Media CEO Rosenblatt Resigns – Spin Date In Limbo

Big shakeup at Demand Media (DMD) as CEO and Chairman Richard Rosenblatt resigned earlier this week. While the company did not provide any reason for the move, this Variety piece quotes two Stifel analysts saying that “the change is not entirely surprising given the pressure from Google’s algo(rithm) changes on the content business, the overall strategic drift in the company… Read More »

Demand Gives Ballpark Margins On Business Units During Conference Call

Earlier this week, Demand Media(DMD) announced plans to split into a domain registration business and a content business.  Though the opportunity seems promising, it was difficult to evaluate without the numbers for the business broken out, which, to our knowledge, the company had not done publicly. We were pleased, then, to read the transcript of the conference call… Read More »

We Demand A Spin! Demand Media Announces Plan To Spin Off Domain Registration Business

Ever since its IPO, we have thought Demand Media(DMD) to be a strange beast- a content farm with a domain registration business bolted on.  Well, the company announced today that it will be loosening those bolts and spinning off the domain registration business to shareholders. The company hopes to complete the spin in the next nine to twelve… Read More »