Tag Archives: Shaun Passley

Epazzing Gas- The Stench Continues With Project Human Power

Epazz(EPAZ) continues to push the envelope on the bare minimum of substance a spinoff must have. Consider its latest gem of a press release: Epazz a leading provider of cloud based business software solutions, announced today that the Company is moving quickly forward with the Project Human Mobile Power spinoff. Epazz is currently working with a Patent attorney… Read More »

One Worthless Spinoff Not Enough For You? Epazz Offers A Second

With the ink barely dry on its press release announcing the spin off of Project Flex(now known as Cooling Technology Solutions, Inc.), Epazz(EPAZ) has announced a second spin based on a vaporous idea.  The company announced a heretofore unmentioned “business” that it would be spinning off that it is calling Project Human Power. What does this business do?… Read More »

Epazz Sets Date For Spin Of Concept It Doesn’t Feel Is Worth Discussing

Call us old fashioned, but we believe a public company should be a working business- not merely an idea.  Shaun Passley, CEO of Epazz(EPAZ) clearly disagrees. As we discussed last week, he plans to spin out companies like cake batter from an out of control mixer. Since then, the company has announced its first spinoff, Project Flex, and… Read More »